Effortless No Heat Curls

Its no secret, heat is damaging to your hair.  I am constantly trying to find ways to reduce the amount of heat my hair is exposed to.  From air drying, to braids, to my arsenal of products used to reduce/prevent damage, it is no small feat to maintain the integrity of my hair.  Especially when it is long, and colored!

You can image my excitement when I discovered Savvy Curls!  A headband that curls your hair…without heat…while you sleep? AMAZING, sign me up!

“These headbands are exclusively made with thermal insulating materials & curl forming materials to work with your head’s natural heat zone & produce beautiful, bouncy curls.

There are two options, a single band, and a convertible band.  Not to mention, lots of fun patterns!  I used the convertible band, and I loved that I could snap off the top and use it as a single band as well.  Before you wrap, it’s important to have your hair slightly damp, and brush a mousse through it to help the curls set and stay for the whole day. Wrap right after applying the mousse, before it dries. This is my hair before, it looks so sad I know, but it is just air dried.  I allow my hair to air dry as much as possible!


To use the convertible band, section off the top of your hair, and clip it out of the way. Move the top band in front of that section.  Begin wrapping the bottom half of your hair from your face back.  Do one side, then the other, meeting in the middle near the nape of your neck.  Wrap the ends in together, and secure with a bobby pin or two.


Next, let down the top section and wrap in the same pattern as the bottom. I chose to sleep in the band.


When you wake up, unwrap the band, shake it up a bit, and you are ready to go!  My husband is so grateful.  Thanks to Savvy Curls, I can now make it to church on time haha.  After sleeping in the band, I woke up to these voluminous curls!!!


To use the single band, you will wrap all your hair around at the same time, instead of sectioning it into two.

It is also an option to just leave the band in for a couple hours.  That is what I did here, with the single band, and the results were a looser curl. Still very pretty!

IMG_8348  I pulled them back into a simple pony, and loved the result! Thank you for reading 🙂 Savvy Curls has offered a discount code for $2 off a band of your own! Just use the code “savvyc1” Hope you all have a wonderful week!
