Perfect Peplum

I am always on the go, and I prefer to be comfortable (as I have said a hundred times before haha) It is THE BEST to find something that looks great and also feels great!  This perfect peplum top from Hope Ave. is just that for me.  I wear it as often as I can get away with!

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I love the loose fit, as well as the ruffle and open back!  It’s all in the details, right?

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These black jeans are also pretty amazing.  My dad always made fun of me when I was younger for having tears in my jeans, but I love it haha! He would ask if I got a discount for them already being worn out.  Any of your parents feel that way too?

Perfect Peplum top! White flowy shirt for summer and spring. Mom style, women's fashion.

My perfect peplum, perfectly torn jeans, and perfect black booties are all from Hope Ave.  When I walked into the store, I was honestly like a kid in a candy store.  Or I guess, like myself in a candy store ha! I could have bought everything in there.  I can’t wait to go back!

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I finally got some planting done this last week so our house is looking more like a home (or at least like it’s actually occupied haha) I wish yard work was a passion and talent of mine.  Maybe I’ll get there someday!  I hope you had an amazing Mother’s Day weekend, and enjoy your week ahead XO

Long loose braid with light brown hair. Braids and hairstyles to copy.

Thank you to Hope Ave. for working with me on this post.


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